4 months ago, I didn't believe I would be at this year's Javelina Hundred. I have to start this race report by rewinding to right after the Keys 100: I was so disappointed in my race there I
couldn’t let it go. I just couldn’t make
peace with it. I tried and tried. I knew the very day after the race that I
wanted redemption and was already thinking about how and when I could make
things right. It was that
time in the first few days after the Keys that I contacted Dave Krupski. Dave is a successful ultrarunning coach with
quite an impressive resume of his own including multiple Keys 100 finishes, a Javelina Jundred
finish, and two Badwater finishes under his belt. Dave was actually recommended to me during my
Keys 100 training by Chris Roman, who I had emailed to ask advice about the
course…..but at the time, I was reluctant to hire a coach as I had done alright
on my own so far and cost was an issue. I regret not seeking "professional help" at that time, my Keys 100 ended up being a disaster.
Anyway, in those days after the disappointment at the Keys 100, I decided that I needed some coaching if I really wanted to start getting
better results. I was tired of winging 100’s. So just about a week out from the Keys 100, I contacted Dave and we decided to start my training as soon as my knee would allow (if you haven’t read my Keys 100 report, I suffered a
weird, out of the blue knee injury around mile 65 which forced me to walk the
entire last 35 miles of the race). The
knee healing process took forever; I remember trying to do little test runs
throughout May and June, and every time it hurt. Dave had suggested we aim for the Keys 100 as a goal as
I had done it before, and living in Albuquerque I’d have perfect conditions to
train for it throughout the summer. He
thought I had plenty of time to get the knee healed and train well for it. I was doubtful at first- when I was just
starting to run again (after over a month off) in July, it seemed impossible to think I'd be healed and ready to run 100 miles by late October. It just didn’t seem possible...but what did I
know? I figured it would at least be fun to train for and I'd just relax and see what happened.
I really enjoyed my training for Javelina. I love running through the summer and in the
heat, and the more long runs my training includes, the happier I am. Dave managed to get me running more
consistently than I ever had for a 100.
I think I had about 5 weeks over 70 miles, and usually I’d only hit that
twice before a race. Also, he kept me doing tempo runs
throughout my training, which felt awesome.
I had never believed I could handle any speed along with lots of long
distance, but it turns out I can to some extent (I still need work on my speed).
By the time my taper rolled around, I was starting to feel pretty damn
good about Javelina…..and then I got sick…..just 10 days out from the
race. Haven’t been sick in almost 3
years, so of course it would happen right then...and of course it would be a chest cold.
I was so bummed, but I thought I may be able to kick it quickly if I
acted fast. I have never been so proactive with vitamin C, Zinc, Echinacea, tons and tons of sleep, fluids,
and NO running. I knew I'd have to at least get the cold mostly zapped before Javelina in order to even be able to attempt it safely. I didn't have much time. I tried so hard to make it go away before the
race. Not running was driving me crazy-
I knew all the big work had been done, but still- not running at all during a
taper makes it 10 times worse than normal (and my tapers are usually AWFUL to begin with).
As it turned out, I was still sick heading into JJ100, but I hoped I was
well enough to manage during the race.
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My super impressive crew a.k.a. the "dream team" |
We drove out to Fountain Hills Friday.
We left early and got there just after noon, set up our tent, and went
to packet pickup, then got Chipotle for dinner, got a few things for everyone
to eat during the long race day and night, then headed back to Javelina
Jeadquarters. We were in bed by 8:30. I never sleep great the night before a big
race like that, but I did get maybe 4-5 hours in. I like camping at the race site because you
don’t have to worry about shuttles, etc….just wake up practically at the
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All set up at Javelina Jeadquarters! |
So there I was…..race morning.
Feeling like this was going to be an impossible feat. Why do I still get that feeling? I’ve done 3 hundreds before and I’ve always
finished- shouldn’t that give me the confidence to know that I can do
this? Maybe it should, but it never
does. Each one of these badboys feels
equally impossible going in, and I'm beginning to wonder if that doubt will ever
leave me. We started at 6am sharp. I was somewhere in the middle of the pack
and it took a few minutes to actually cross the start line. It felt like a marathon start instead of a
100. It’s crazy how much bigger the race
has gotten even since I did it for the first time just 2 years ago. My first mile was a 14-something minute mile-
yikes! I wanted to start slow, but maybe
not THAT slow. I tried to stay patient
knowing everyone would thin out, and eventually, we all did. I was able to
start running more normally.
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The beginning of a long journey |
I knew pretty early on this one wasn’t going to come easily. Not to say a 100 is ever easy, but I could
just tell by the way I felt and the thoughts I was having so early on (example:
what mile am I on? Shit- only 5?) that
this was going to be a huge battle just to finish and an even bigger battle to
maintain my goal of getting closer to 20 hours.
I tried to tell myself I might feel better after the first loop. Maybe I just needed more time than normal to
warm up since I had run so little due to being sick. I thought eventually everything would “wake
up” and my body would remember that I really am a runner. I kept waiting for that to
happen…….and waiting………and waiting.
I’m not going to lie, I had dark thoughts near the very beginning of
the race. Was today going to be my first
DNF? What if it was? Would that be so horrible? Who (besides me) would give a crap? I tried to push those bad thoughts out of my
head and just keep moving forward. I
still hoped I would eventually snap out of it.
My cold was turning out to be a problem.
I would have coughing attacks, but I couldn’t cough anything up. It was impossible to take a nice full breath
in- I had to take small, shallow breaths to avoid triggering the tickle in my
chest and going into a fit of uncontrollable coughing. Definitely not an ideal way to breathe while
running. My abs already felt tired from
coughing so much…….and the icing on the cake was that this race fell on the
worst days of the month it could have for me (without going into too much
detail there).
I got through the first loop, and as I had discussed with my crew
before the race, I flew through Javelina Jeadquarters- they just refilled my
bottles and I was off again. I wanted to
minimize as much as possible the time I spent at aid stations. I saw this as free time- it doesn’t cost any
extra work- just mindfulness that you don’t want to waste time when you come through the aid stations. Get what you need and move on out! I did need help figuring out
which way to exit Javelina Jeadquarters , so someone from my crew showed me the way out each
time. I know that sounds silly, but I
always get flipped around coming through Jeadquarters. I had to be pointed in the right direction the first time I did the race, too.
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On loop 1...couldn't even manage a real smile. Photo credit: Ron Ceton |
Loop 2 didn’t go much better.
When I did Javelina 2 years ago, I remember feeling awesome on loop
2. Not today. It was more of the same: coughing, trying to
stop thinking about DNF’ing, and keeping up the relentless forward motion. As I was finishing up the second loop, I felt
more beat up than I should have. I felt
like I had run 50 miles instead of 30.
That is a deeply scary way to feel when you’ve got 70 miles to go. I had managed to stay on pace for my 20 hour
time goal so far, but I just didn't like the fact that it was taking so much effort to do it.
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Getting help from my crew |
When I came in to Jeadquarters, I told my crew I wanted to switch to
my hydration pack from the handheld bottles I had carried for the first 30
miles, so they quickly swapped it out, sunscreened me up, and back out I
went. It felt like it was starting to
warm up. I remembered checking the
weather before the race and seeing predicted highs of 80 degrees, but based on what I was feeling, I was guessing it was
going to get warmer than that. I started
putting ice in my hat and down my sports bra at the aid stations. It was getting hot, but that’s what I
like. I started to notice myself passing
lots of folks, and although it wasn’t as severe as it got in 2013, there were
plenty of people struggling. I finally
started to feel better (still not awesome, but the best I had felt all
day). I had a good song going on my iPod
that was helping me pull out of the funk.
Usually when I come across a song that pulls me out of a nasty funk or
keeps me in a really good place, I’ll listen to it over and over until it stops
working for me. I try to keep my self in
the exact state of mind as I replay it and let the miles melt away. I know, weird stuff…..but it works for
me. Loops 3 and 4 were made possible by
Alabama Shakes Hold On (yes, LOOPS 3
and 4……as in, I listened to that song hundreds of times, for around 6 hours
straight). Not only did it have a good
groove, but the lyrics seemed just perfect for the struggle I was going
Loops 3 and 4 were the best I felt all day. They were also the warmest. I passed a bunch of people, enjoyed the
feeling of running in warmth with the sun shining bright, had kept cough drops
in my mouth almost the whole time which seriously helped reduce the cough
attacks, and I FINALLY felt a sense of making a real dent in the 100
miles. 40-60 miles is getting through
the middle- halfway there!
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Ayesha helping me after loop 4 |
I knew the night would be a struggle though- I’m not a good night
runner. I always slow down, and any
warm, fuzzy feelings I may have experienced in the warm sun come to a screeching
halt when night rolls in. I decided to just
approach it with the best attitude possible, and I had warned my pacers that
this was one of my areas of weakness. I
traded my hat and iPod for a headlamp, gloves, and arm warmers, and Terry and I
set off for loop 5. Terry saved my skin
with her assortment of doTERRA essential oils and couch drops- I was putting
oil below my nose to try to open up my airway and sucking on these amazing
cough drops she gave me- the only problem was that she only had a few left. I wish I had
more- they were amazing. When we started off for
loop 5, I had jut one left, and I lost the “breathe” oil she had let me keep in
my pack while running which had helped me all day. She still had
ginger oil though, which proved immensely useful when some nausea started to
creep in. I rubbed some ginger oil below
my nose and the nausea never came back.
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Terry and I heading out for loop 5- just before sunset |
I was still on track for 20ish hours, so although I was starting
to slow down, we kept the pace as brisk as possible. I was starting to walk more, and Terry did
her best to keep me true to my plan going into the race. My coach Dave had suggested thinking in
small, manageable chunks at times when I was feeling rough: maybe trying to run
for a mile, or to the next aid station, etc.
Terry tried to motivate me to run small sections when I’d start to want to
walk. This worked pretty well and we
finished our loop a little behind my goal pace, but still not far off. I knew it would be really hard to make up
time at this point, but hoped I could just hold on and at least give my best
So Kathleen and I started off for loop 6. I felt like shit, but my attitude was on
point. I knew I was doing a lot better
than I had been at that stage two years ago, so unless something really bad
happened, I figured I’d be on track for a PR at least. I was still aiming for as close to 20 hours
as possible, but I think I knew at that point it wasn’t possible short of a
miracle. Like Terry, Kathleen tried her
best to keep me running whenever possible, and when we did walk, we walked as
fast as possible. When we reached
Jackass Junction (for the last time since I was on loop 6), it was surreal! The
party going on there was……let’s just say quite a party…..we moved through as
fast as possible, just as I had tried to do at every aid station stop during
the day. It definitely feels wrong to
practically ignore such an impressive aid station party, but I had to move
on. Stopping is dangerous. Sitting is even more dangerous. I’ve heard people say that the chairs grow
Velcro when you sit in them, so I don’t generally sit during 100’s unless I
really have to (to mess with shoes, etc).
Anyway, what 100 miler wouldn’t be complete without some random pain
flaring up near the end? Just after
Jackass Junction, my knee (not the knee I hurt at the Keys 100) started hurting
on the inside- that same exact location as the other knee had. While this upset me, I honestly felt relieved
it happened around mile 82 instead of 65.
I was almost done- I figured I could manage the pain for the last
miles. The good thing about this pain
was that (unlike the time in the Keys) it hurt the same whether I ran or
walked. It was a good motivator to keep
running: get it over with faster. I remember
feeling like absolute crap during this stage.
All the little dips and washed out areas on the course were so jarring
to the body at this stage, while in the beginning of the race the entire course
feels smooth and completely runnable. I
can tell you from experience: each loop it gets progressively harder- every
time. The rocks get bigger and the hills
get steeper- it’ll beat you up pretty good.
As we made out way to Jeadquarters at mile 92 I felt awful. All I wanted was for it to end- but luckily I
knew I could do it- there’s no way I’d consider DNF’ing at mile 92…..unless I
was literally dying. So back out
Kathleen and I went, up that horrible rocky hill one more time. It was pretty much all power hiking on the
uphill stuff. We kept it as fast as
possible. My knee was screaming for me
to stop. I was hoping to run the last 4
miles (the cutoff which takes you off the Pemberton and on to Tonto Trail). When we finally reached that trail (which we
were both convinced had been moved further out somehow), I rejoiced. It really felt like the homestretch. I mustered every ounce of strength I had to
try to run those final miles (or at least what I call the old guy
shuffle). My garmin died just as it hit
100 miles and the time was 20:58. Not
only did 20 hours fly out the window, but now the chance of a sub 21 hour
finish also waved bye bye as I remembered this course being about 101.7 miles
long. I knew it was at least 101 miles.
I don’t know why I wasn’t more upset about not achieving my time
goal. Sure, I was disappointed- I still
don’t know why I can’t hang on better during the late miles, especially despite
very adequate training this time around.
I guess I did manage to hang on for longer than I did the first time.
One thing I’m damn proud of is the fight I put up during this
race. It wasn’t my day. I had some crappy obstacles to deal
with. I had thought of quitting several
times from the very beginning. But I
kept moving forward, kept my goal in mind, and can honestly say I gave it my
all- everything I had that day. I wish I
had more to give, but I didn’t.
Often I’m left with feelings of disappointment because I don’t lay it
all out on the line, I hold back and I’m left to wonder what could have
been. That didn’t happen here: I know I
gave it everything. I still hope to run
a sub 20-hour 100 someday, and I hope next time I won’t be sick or injured, or
get injured during the race…..and maybe I’ll break through to where I want to
be.....but maybe I won’t. All I know is I get to walk away from this
one with a 1.5 hour PR, which isn’t too shabby. Sometimes it's not about a certain goal or number you have in your head that you think you'll be happy with. Sometimes it's about showing up with some obstacles in your way and figuring out how to give it your best, dig even deeper than you normally would, and overcome those obstacles- I can tell you there's quite a lot of satisfaction in that, too. I ended up 7th female (out of 135 who started and 85 who
finished), and 40th overall (out of 459 starters and 281
finishers). My time was 21:26:39, and I
got another sub-24 hour buckle.
I’m extremely grateful to Ayesha, Terry, and Kathleen: I could not
have done this without such an awesome crew.
Their support and encouragement was invaluable and essential to my
success. I know I would not have
finished without them, and they made the race fun- we had a blast and
made some fun memories that I will cherish forever.
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A bit blurry, but a finishing photo! |
I’m sure I’ll be back to Javelina someday. Hopefully soon. It’s an ultra that holds a special place in
my heart…not only because it was my first 100, but there truly is something extra
special about it that I just can’t explain.
As always, Jamil Coury and the Aravaipa Running crew did a top-notch
job. I could not have asked for a more
fun, well-run event. I’ll be back,
JJ100.......I'm kind of tempted to try to get the 5-time finisher jacket!
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I liked the irony in the gravestone inscription (sick....get it?) |
Hi Erin,
ReplyDeleteI was one of the Facebook posters who encouraged you to give it a go despite your cold. I'm so relieved that I didn't goad you into a bad decision!
Maybe you saw me out there - I was "butterfly guy".
Haha! Well thanks again! Although it wasn't ideal, I don't regret it! Thanks again for the encouragement!!!! I think I did see you- the butterfly catcher? If so, people warned me about you : D